High School: The Not So Bad Years
Being queer in high school in the early 80s was probably unpleasant for most queer guys. Of course most those queer guys weren't openly queer but, teenagers being the beasts they are, it really didn't matter if the targets of rumors, or worse, were definitely queer. Especially if it meant attention was drawn away from rumor mongers' and attackers' own queer secrets. For the most part being secretly queer in high school really wasn't all that bad for me because I'm one of those guys who has always “passed” for straight. Even though I was one of the few guys in my high school drama class, was known as an artist, and was a vocal hater of high school sports, I never, for most of high school, encountered any queer slurs or was aware of rumors. I also wasn't romantically attracted to guys which spared me the queer adolescent anguish of “a love that dares not speak its name.” I definitely liked seeing guys naked, fantasizing about gettin...