Not That Kind Of Boy
Here's a sort of prejudice of mine: I tend to think all American boy-next-door type guys aren't the sort of guys who are into sex with other guys. Like most prejudices, mine isn't rooted in reality. All my friends or acquaintances that I fooled around with when I was younger we're guy-next-door types. Even Nate, a high school friend-with-benefits who was a cruisy, seductive horndog was a blond haired blue eyed "Awe, shucks" farm boy. Most the guys I've known and have hooked up with have been the sort of ordinary guy-next-door types. And even in the porno theaters I've been to, places where guys hook up and usually get it on in front of everyone, there are often a lot of guy-next-door types and such porno theaters are considered the epitome of the sort of rancid environment sleazy perverts lurk in. (I've wandered around the low end of life a bit in the past but I don't think I earned the title of sleazy pervert. For one thing, I've n...