Over at Gaybros someone asked:
So guys how was your prom? I'm asking this because I'm really depressed right now, I was going to go to prom with my friends of four years until this point. We were even going to pick outfits this week, until my closest friends told me: "We only had a few spaces in the limo. 'Tanya' got a date so she got the spaces. Sorry."
So I'm curious how did your Prom go?
And I replied:
Went with a several of my geek/weird/punk friends. My date was a gal I really liked, she wore a red dress which, based on the way the popular girls were looking and muttering, was not the right dress to wear. But I was wearing a motorcycle jacket instead of the tux jacket and one of my friends was in a vintage Air Force dress uniform and another in a horrible 1970s tux so I doubt my date, in the only red dress there, stood out all that much.
The band sucked, the high school looked stupid, and I was too romantically inept to have bothered attempting such a major social event.
I haven't thought about it for years until right now. If there were pictures I probably threw them out when I threw out my high school year books.