
Showing posts from March, 2013

Why I'm Queer (an infinite list)

Because I like pinup gal images and almost never like "beefcake" images even though I really really really like looking at pictures of naked guys.

Why I'm Queer (an infinite list)

Because the back of a guy's neck can hold my gaze for a long time and because the only times in my life that I've ever been struck senseless by someone's looks they've all been women. (And only a couple of them would be considered noticeably attractive by cultural standards. And only one was a blond.)

Why I'm Queer (an infinite list)

Because even though I like all sorts of attractive young men I think Carly Rae Jepsen is a heckuva a lot hotter in the Call Me Maybe video than the lawn boy she's fawning over. (And that song ain't typically my kind of music. But the other day, almost a year after it was released, I looked/listened to it for the first time.)